random questions


Why didn’t you reverse the ‘R’ in the ‘arumura’ logo?

We gave it a whirl but it just didn’t look quite right. See for yourself:


What Are you going to make next?

We’re working on some pretty exciting ideas at the moment, so watch this space.

We are, however, very open to stealing any genius ideas you may have for later products. After all, we can only dream up so much. So if there is anything you would particularly like to see in our future ranges then here’s your opportunity to let us know:

What does ‘arumura’ mean?

Unfortunately, unlike a lot of brands whose name has a fantastic history or brilliant hidden meaning, ‘Arumura’ didn’t evolve in the same romantic way. Instead, after a long time of trying to come up with a brand name that did justice to everything I envisioned for the brand, I became impatient and frustrated and decided to type a bunch of random letters into a random word generator. With that, Arumura was born.

Why ‘unapologetically above par’?

Although ‘unapologetically’ might take a moment to babble out, ‘Unapologetically Above Par’ is everything we stand for. Arumura was born with all types of golfers in mind; from the absolute golf badgers to the bang average club slingers. We strongly believe that no matter how often you play, where you play or what your handicap is (if you’ve even got one) you should be able to buy a garm that doesn’t dent the bank, looks and feels great, and can be worn off the golf course too. Above par clobber for players shooting above par, that’s us and we’re proud of that.


Can i wear the Arumura original for other sports or even in the pub?

100%. Golf clothing has a bit of a reputation for being worn exclusively on the golf course and nowhere else. This shouldn’t have to be the case. We don’t want you to feel the need to change before heading for a cheeky post-round shandy. No no no. We have taken the Arumura Original everywhere. From the gym to the pub, from the shops to the beach, and it has only ever received looks of pure and utter jealousy.


Our wonderful photos were taken by the very talented Charlie Sawyer Photography. Go and check him out:


Why don’t you start making socks or golf balls?

Thanks for this question Dad. The answer is because at this point of time I’ve invested a lot of energy into making windproof sweatshirts.

That being said I will be expanding the range of products as I go. Hopefully somewhere down the line I will have my own brand of golf balls and socks and you will be proud.

Are you looking for models?

Unfortunately I’m taken.

you use both ‘We’ and ‘i’ throughout the website. How many people are actually running this show?

What are you, an english teacher? We are in fact just one person. We like to use ‘we’ because Arumura is more than just a brand, it is a state of mind. I am Arumura, you are Arumura, we are Arumura.

Where were your photos taken?

The Drift Golf Club, Surrey, was the location of our photo shoot. An unbelievably lovely team of people and a fantastic track. Well well worth a visit:
